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Careers at XONE
  •   Seize the opportunity to be an early employee in a high-technology startup

•   Have an impact on shaping the culture, vision, and strategy of the company

•   Shepherd and citizen of a modern corporate environment with a keen focus on the mission, the customers, and the employees

•   Serve as a key contributor to a corporate culture driven to provide highly crafted products to discerning customers

•   Serve an important role in the defense and preservation of our country’s ideals

•   Expand technical qualifications through developments employing the latest technology and development approaches

Job Opportunities



     Entry-Level/Junior Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA
     Real-Time Embedded Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA
     Entry-Level/Junior DSP Communications Algorithm Software Engineer
Santa Clara, CA
     DSP Communications Algorithm Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA
     Entry-Level/Junior FPGA Design Engineer Santa Clara, CA
     Senior FPGA Design Engineer  Santa Clara, CA
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